

dbt 1.4.2 and 1.4.3

Support for dbt 1.4.2 and dbt 1.4.1 has been added.

Databricks support (beta)

Databricks is now a supported adapter, available as a beta feature for preview!

Trigger SQL Compilation and Preview

Clicking Compiled SQL or Preview will now trigger those actions automatically.

.env file support

Deep Channel will now parse any .env files found in the root of your open dbt project and load the environment variables defined within it. This allows you, for example, to easily define project-specific env vars that can then be referenced in your dbt project via the env_var macro.

Fixes and Tweaks

  • Fixed issue preventing Format code using SQLFluff from showing up
  • Fixed an issue causing a crash when calling the parse_xml function
  • Fixed an issue treating quoted strings starting with -- as comments
  • Fixed an issue that reported a problem when Jinja was used in the definition of a dbt source
  • Fixed an issue allowing multiple dbt commands to be run simultaneously
  • Copying results to the clipboard will now include the header row
  • Fixed an issue preventing opening dbt projects whose dbt_project.yml is malformed
  • Adjusted the schema of dbt_project.yml to not require + in certain keys